Sunday, July 4, 2010

Werewolves or vampires?

Can you guess what this is about? Yep, Twilight. I LOVED the books. So far I have only liked the movies. I have yet to see Eclipse but I do plan on going this week. I love going to movies when it is hot and steamy outside. It sounds like this is going to be the perfect week for that. I love a good love story although I am definitely not obsessed with the books and movies like many are. Last week I had a few conversations about the Eclipse movie with friends that have already seen it. One said, "If given the choice between werewolves and vampires, I would pick werewolves." That got me thinking. What would I choose? (disclaimer, I do think that Edward and Bella were meant to be together and were totally touched by their story) If it were me though I would also choose werewolves. Why, you wonder? Well if you look at it reasonably Edward is not very friendly, not so good at sharing his feeling and keeps everything bottled up, he does what he thinks is best for Bella not really taking into account what she wants, he takes off and leaves her on a couple of occasions and he feels like he is made of stone and is ice cold. Jacob, one the other hand, is pretty much always there for her, is open with his emotions, tells her how he feels and isn't scared of it, is warm and friendly, is physically warm and does not feel like stone. Yep, so in the past, I will admit that I have been attracted to a couple of Edward types. Now I choose the Jacob types. I need someone who is warm, loving, open and not scared to be vulnerable. Bring it on, Universe!!!
With love, Sara


adrina said...

I would love to have a jacob in edwards body, but I like a lot of edwards attributes emotionally as well. I like the immortality factor but only if everyone I know and love are vampires too!

Sara said...

Immortality would be nice if my loved ones were also. That is actually an interesting topic to think about.