Saturday, August 28, 2010

Patience and Alice.

This is a word I really need to see a lot and be reminded of. Patience can be so difficult and I feel like I have been patient for so long. As I often write about, I am in such a time of transition and really have been for the last four years. That sounds crazy doesn't it? Four years sounds like such a long time to be in this kind of stuck/lost place. Part of it is an astrological transit I am going though. I am Alice in Wonderland at the moment. I have journeyed deep down the rabbit hole. I have been finding all these parts of myself that I had lost or I never knew that I had. I have learned so much about myself. I feel like I am being born again many times a day. It is a wild ride. It has been a wild ride I really would like to be able to get off soon. It's time!

It's time for me to feel more settled, more confident, more loved, more calm, more joy and basically more found. Sometimes I get this kind of panic rising up in me. Panic about how I will ever actually make enough money to support myself in a way that is authentic to who I am. Panic that I will never feel any of these things that I need more of. Panic that I will never find someone I love deeply and who loves me deeply back. When this panic arises, I take a deep breath and remind myself that I am exactly where I need to be and that I already am more than I can even imagine.

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