Thursday, August 19, 2010


We all go through phases in our lives. Sometimes I want to immerse myself into the world of literature and writing. That often means that I do more blogging. These days I don't want to write. I also don't seem to want to pull my camera out to document my day's happenings. What do I want to do? I want to knit and crochet beautiful things. I want to sew myself some new pants with organic cotton fabrics. I want to cook amazing things like homemade pita, falafel, tomato bisque, corn chowder and eat lots of yummy garden fresh tomatoes. I want to listen to music and lay in savasana for long periods of time.

I get weekly vedic astrology updates from David Hawthorne. This weeks horoscope for everyone said to "write off August." There was more but that part cracked me up. So, yep, I am trying to take a bit of a break and do things that feed me.

What feeds you? I would love to know!

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