I decided to participate in Marianne Elliot's 30 Days of Yoga from early October 'till early November. I have been needing something to get me more focuses and rededicated to my yoga practice. I want to start attending yoga at an ashram near where I am living but while I have made it to meditation and a kirtan there, I have yet to make it to yoga. I am so comfortable doing yoga at home. I am nervous about going to a class. I am nervous about sun salutations and upward dog which always causes huge suffering in my shoulder and neck. I am nervous about not feeling strong enough or flexible enough. I realize it's rather crazy. I have been practicing yoga for a couple years and it is all an individual journey so there is really no such thing as not enough. I am doing this 30 days of yoga to challenge me a little bit and maybe help calm my nerves and get me to the ashram for yoga by the end of November. If I can only stop sneezing non-stop for a few hours every morning then I can get to the morning meditation too. I could really mess up people's silent meditation with the constant sneezing. I am sure they would love me there. :)
In my never ending quest to feel healthier and get more clarity in my life, I am going to also go gluten free and soy free for the 30 days to see what happens. I don't have much soy but gluten is another story. It will be fun to challenge myself to make yummy vegan, soy and gluten free meals. I wonder what I will come up with.
I am hoping and praying that my life starts to move forward and out of this interesting holding pattern it has been in. Spiritually and emotionally I have made huge gains but I want to be working more with people again. I want to be meeting new people in my personal life. I know that all of the work I have been doing on myself will help me to be so joyful in my life as I start to move forward but I am trying to feel some joy during the process too. Maybe all the yoga will help.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Thursday, September 23, 2010
2 things on the journey.

Photo by my amazing friend Megan on our trip to Cumberland Island Georgia.
I cannot figure out how to start this post. I keep typing and erasing. I have something so deep to share that it is so hard to know where to start. In my steps towards growth and change there are a couple of big things I am working on. One is to have my heart so open and full of love for everyone that I stop making judgements about people. I think most people would say I am a pretty open and non-judgemental person but I feel like I have spent a lot of time getting irritated by people and saying how I just can't understand. The truth is that no one really needs to understand why anyone else does something. We can never truly know what is inside anyone else. We are all our own people on our own journey's. I had a conversation with a friend the other day and I remember saying that one thing that is really hitting me lately is that we can never really know everything about a person. We only know them from our relationship with them. We know our parents, friends, lovers, children from that relationship with them. Our parents are our parents and because of that relationship, I believe that no matter what we really can only see a small part of who they are. I hope that at least someone is following my train of thought. Anywoo, so on my journey to open my heart more and only feel love and openness to everyone, I am making a ton of progress. My days of chanting and being held in the womb of Omega really helped that. My heart feels open and I feel these very gentle and very powerful shifts taking place in me. I see more clearly how we are all exactly where we need to be at every moment and we are perfect.
The other big thing I am working on is to feel loved and protected by the Universe or God. To really know deep inside me that everything is fine and that I am safe. I have never felt that way. I feel like there is always this tension in my body that is waiting for the next bad thing to happen. That is how my life was for so long that it seems to have been so ingrained that it is hard to let go of. I want to really be able to lean with all of me into the amazing stream of love that is available to all of us and feel totally loved and supported. I think that is what I love about water. I love that if you can relax your body totally that you are supported and can just float. That is really how I want to live my life. That doesn't mean I don't believe in working hard. It means that I really believe that if you can just relax and trust that amazing things will happen. If only I found that easier to do. I am working towards that in this endless stage of growth and change. Boy life really is beautiful!
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Ecstatic chant....
I went to the Ecstatic Chant weekend at Omega over Labor Day weekend. I cannot express in words how incredibly amazing it was. I will be going there every year now. It was really one of the most amazing experiences that I have ever had. There was tons of dancing, singing, chanting, clapping and very little sleeping. My heart blew open. It cleared so much from me. It left me feeling more like my authentic self than ever before. I can see my life before me so much clearer. I feel so much more accepting and loving towards everyone. I am forever changed!!!
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