This morning for breakfast I had a lovely piece of chocolate cake. It was pretty small, organic, vegan and I had it with a huge glass of water but it was still cake for breakfast. This is quite a bit different from my typical morning. It is not uncommon for me to have lentil soup or even leafy greens to start off my day. But hey if life is partially about having balance than cake for breakfast on occasion may actually be helpful. I remember one of my teachers in acupuncture school would occasionally venture to Blakes in Albuquerque for a quick burger and fries before clinic. He said his teacher told him that it was homeopathic. I always liked that. Ah, how I do miss NM but that is for another post.
Maybe I woke up this morning thinking about finding more of a balance in my life. Yesterday in my healing/mentoring session with the shaman I work with, we worked on some big stuff. Well big but small at the same time. I have moved out such huge stuff lately that all this work is like doing the final sweeping of the old house before moving on to a new house. I had a hard time figuring out how to word that but hopefully it makes some sense. I also got more of a grasp on my issues with acupuncture lately. I took more of a leap into being really honest about what I want in my life. I was able to see more clearly how much I categorize things as a way to make sense of this crazy life and am limited by that categorization. All of this work is amazing and exhausting. I feel like a true spiritual warrior that needed a little cake refill. :)
So what do these changes and realizations mean in a more practical sense? Yep, I am working on that. I need to start putting more focus on my personal life. I don't want the entire focus of my life to be work but work has been my entire focus and that isn't making me happy. Although I don't expect to have heard back from a publisher yet about my kid's book, I am thinking that maybe no matter what I want to publish it and market it on my own. I have some amazing ideas for it that really feel right to me. I am getting back to working with my hands.....sewing, knitting, and being creative. I am still cooking and learning about food and on and on and on. So many many things.
What do I need in my life?
What are some things that you would like in your life? I would love to hear!!