Friday, February 4, 2011

Yep, I got my camera working again!!

I have a little bit of catching up to do. First, some Thanksgiving pics. I had to go to NH for a job interview on the Friday after Thanksgiving. I ended up turning the job down. It just didn't feel right. My mother and the dogs ended up tagging along. Here they are. Oh, and what a fancy Thanksgiving we had.

This winter has been HORRIBLE in the NE. It is reminding me how I need to not be here for another winter. I am not a cold weather person. I do not find anything redeeming about snow. I don't even want to leave the house. Look at what I would have to get past just to get out the front door. YUCK!!

Can you guess how I am spending my time these days?


Megan said... Now you know where you could move to escape the NY winters. Atlanta. Just saying.

Sara said...

:) Unless some other amazing opportunity comes up, it's on the top of my list. I always liked it there. It's cheap, not a major move for me and you and all the family are there. It has some advantages, for sure. I bet some of the burbs could handle another yoga/health studio!!