I guess I should write a little about Kripalu. I am having a bit of a problem though.....I don't feel like putting it into words. Not a good thing for someone trying to keep a blog going or someone who psychic after psychic after astrologer (yeah I run into a lot of them in my life) say is going to do a lot of her work from writing and teaching people. Anyhoo, I will try.
We started off with 65 people but ended with 62. It was intense. The days were long. We did hours and hours of yoga everyday. I didn't sleep nearly enough. It feels like I have undone the many years of trying to build myself up after years of starving myself and over exercising. I am wiped out. My pulses are no longer palpable just the way they were when I started acupuncture school. I am hoping that after a couple weeks of rest that improves. I learned a lot about myself. I realized how much work I have done. I know I couldn't have survived it even a year ago. I learned that while for many it may have been about finding their edge and pushing their bodies it could not be for me. That had to be part of the equation for me but really it was about letting the ego go, about modifying and taking it easier on my body then I really had to. I know how to push an edge. I know how to push my body to the place of complete collapse and almost death. I had to learn how to not take myself to that edge or maybe to take myself there and not past it. Kripalu means compassion and my intention at this yoga teacher training was about finding compassion for myself. I found a little bit of that. More compassion than ever before so that's a victory.
The people at Kripalu were amazing, as were the teachers. That was my favorite part. Such beautiful people all making their way through life as best they can. The love in the air was palpable. I will never forget many of them. To feel so comfortable with so many people after only a month of knowing them, is amazing. It says a lot about Kripalu and the way that they set up the YTT.
Now is the time for me to figure out what's next. I don't know at this point. Hopefully I will know soon. For now I am recovering, sleeping, cooking, snuggling with my animals, working and still doing yoga. Ah yoga, I love you so.
Thanks so much for the glimpse into your time at Kripalu! Keep up the good soul care:)
Thanks Liz! I am going to attempt to write more about the experience. I am so short of words about it all.
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