Saturday, May 28, 2011


I seems that simultaneously there is nothing going on and and there is everything. Maybe a little explanation would be helpful? My plans to be in Georgia for a big chunk this summer have fallen through, or at least at this point they have. With one cat sick with cancer and now another with possible cystitis and months before I can actually reinstate my GA acupuncture license, I am stuck for awhile. Ugh, NY...sometimes I feel that if I don't get out of here that I will lose my mind. It is so aggressive. I want to feel totally comfortable going out and being social but around here almost anything is just too overwhelming for me.

Sometimes I feel as if I am stuck in quicksand. The more I struggle the more it pulls me under. I try to give up the struggle and hopefully free myself from the things that have been holding me back. I wonder if it is not time for me to move forward in the way I thought that I would. I feel like there is magic waiting right under the surface just waiting for something....what that is I do not know. Sometimes I feel like I just need to breathe and let something go and the magic will be right there. I will find out that it has been there all the time and I just haven't seen it. Maybe it's that way with us all. We have been so busy with the struggle that we have all been adapting to over many many years that we can't see all the beauty that is there. Maybe all we really have to do is breathe and to love and to feel the magic that is there for us all.


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