Saturday, October 23, 2010


One issue that has been coming up over and over with me is the idea of kindness. A couple of times recently I have been reading some of the blogs that I tend to keep up on. I occasionally read the comments left by readers. I have been noticing all of the negative comments left by others. They are judging how other people choose to live their lives and often being just plain old mean. It makes me kind of want to continue not promoting my blog. I am not sure that I want to leave myself open to that kind of judgement. It has probably been one of the reasons I have been rather slow to update lately.

It just seems that so much of the time I see people being so disparaging of other peoples choices. Food is a big one for this. People think your evil if you eat animal products and crazy and unhealthy if you don't. People think that women are bad if they work out of the house when they have children or that they are lazy if they don't. It can all just be a bit too much for me. Sometimes I really just want to crawl in a little cave and hibernate. Hmm, I guess the season for that it upon us.

I ask everyone..Can't we all be a lot nice and a bunch more accepting of the choices that other people make in their lives?

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