Sunday, October 31, 2010

Many thoughts....

go through my head on nights that I cannot sleep. This doesn't really happen all that often anymore. I am beyond ecstatic to say that. After having difficulty sleeping for most of my 33 years, I am so grateful that sleep is not usually a problem for me at this point in my life. I blame tonight's issue on the very small amount of chocolate I consumed at about 9pm. Seriously maybe my system is getting a bit too pure.

I am listening to Krishna Das as I type. I am pretty obsessed with kirtan right now, especially KD. Yep, at like 1:30 in the morning I am listening to music, singing/chanting, blogging, backing up my computer and just finished yoga. Oh well.

Some things I am thinking about.....

-How much my heart has opened. I am thinking of all my far away friends who I just want to be able to give a hug to. I am thinking of my family and sending them love. I am silently conversing with my granny who passed out of this life 5 years ago but I know she is still hanging around with me.

-I am thinking about my application to Kripalu yoga teaching training and hoping that they give me a big enough scholarship that I can afford to go. I have much faith that it will happen. I let the feelings of not be enough flow through me. Am I skinny enough, strong enough, confident enough to actually go through with it? Deep down inside I know that I am.

- I think of all my animals and pray for their health and happiness. I ask all the angels and guides, Pan and the Nature spirits, and Saint Frances of Assisi to help heal them and clear them of anything that might be damaging and fill them with lots of energy of love, happiness, healing and whatever else they wish for. I wonder if all these entities get tired of me calling to them. I do it all the time with my own animals and with those stray or hurt ones I see anywhere.

- I give gratitude for everything I can possibly think of. Very long list indeed. I am especially grateful for how much my internal landscape has changed and about how much peace I feel.


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