Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Yep, that's me I am totally wiped out. I am not entirely sure why. Maybe some of it came from dealing with family over the holidays. It takes a lot of energy to protect myself from all the emotional terrain of those around me. I was trying to save money and not order new vitamins. I guess I really do need them to keep me going. Maybe some of the fatigue comes from all the releasing I am doing from yet another increase in yoga. I am so nervous about not being well enough prepared for yoga teacher training or from injuring myself by increasing too fast that I now do 2 hours of yoga a day. Every night my body aches. It isn't typical sore muscles. It's more like that achy feeling that you get from the flu but I do not have the flu. I am merely clearing a whole new level of "stuff" my body is holding.
So for today along with my yoga and my studying Chinese herbs I will sit on the couch, watching the food network and crocheting a baby blanket. That sounds lovely. I better go get a bowl of soup and a cup of tea to go along with that. Yes, that will be just wonderful!! I know that my life is going to get a whole lot busier after I return from Kripalu so for now I will be grateful for the lighter work load and the free time it leaves.


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