Monday, May 31, 2010

Forward Movement!

I have been feeling a little stuck lately. I have still been having the focusing problem I talked about earlier. I have so many projects going on but realize that I really need to get some done. I needed to get out a query letter to a publisher that we recently found for the kids book that I wrote and my friend Christia illustrated. I have written a couple but I don't like them. I am finally almost finished with one that I actually like. Ugh! Then I have to finish up another book I have been working on. Then I need to figure out what I want to sell at the etsy shop Christia and I are going to do. Then studying for a big test to switch my acupuncture certification and on and on and on. Oh and my shamanic studies and my food cooking. Yeah so a lot of stuff. I jsut have a really great feeling that all these things are leading me in an amazing direction!! Ok well, enough blogging and on to one of my other 19 zillion projects.

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