Thursday, May 27, 2010

I don't know where to start.

I am feeling many internal shifts lately. I spent a weekend doing "shaman stuff". It was amazing and life changing. On Sunday afternoon, after it all I had to go to the grocery store. It felt so weird to be inside and to not have a rattle in my hand. I like that about my life. It feels weird to not be in ceremony or ritual.

Weekends like that often lead me rather at a loss for words though. This is tough when trying to finish a couple of writing projects, write a blog and deal with acupuncture patients that are very mainstream. I can't wait to be somewhere way less mainstream. I will truly be able to appreciate it!

This weekend I had more shamanic rites given to me. I had tears streaming down my cheeks for most of it. One of them was to connect our minds to our hearts so we are always leading with our hearts. I think that is so powerful and I can feel that seed rooting in me so deeply.

There are seeds taking root inside of me. I don't know exactly what they are but I do know that they have to do with me working more with shamanism and food. I also know that they involve me bringing and allowing more love into my life than I ever knew was possible. I wish that for all of you too! Love, Sara

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